Got Wine? Got a Printer? You’ve Got a Gift!

Homer: Remember when I took that home wine-making course and forgot how to drive? 
Marge: That’s because you were drunk!

– The Simpsons

Luckily, our shopping is done, but there have been many years where we were stuck for a gift at the last minute. There’s no holiday panic quite so special as realizing you are a gift short!

You can always give wine, of course — whoever thought up those wine-bottle gift bags is raking it in! But maybe you want to be a little more personal. One last-minute trick I’ve used is customizing wine on hand. It doesn’t need to be fancy-pants wine, and recipients are always pleased by the extra effort (assuming they are wine-positive folks).

Frosty Wine Label

It’s easy and fun! Here’s how to do it:

1. Take the label off a bottle of wine. You can use Goo Gone, but soap and water work as well. I scuff up the label, soap it up, and then submerge the label area. A little elbow grease and some subsequent soakings and the label will come off neatly.

2. Print a new label. Create a 3-inch wide by 4-inch tall text box (this works for most bottles, but check yours and adjust accordingly) in Word and play around. Once you are happy with what you have, print it on regular paper.

The Best Wines Label

3. Cut out the label and carefully attach. I have used both glue sticks and spray adhesive. The spray adhesive is a little better — it leaves less goo on the bottle and you can reposition if you get it a bit wrong. To get the label straight, I line up one side lengthwise so it’s running straight up and down and smooth the label around the front. If it goes horribly wrong, take it off and print another one!

4. Short on time? I’ve put the labels shown in this post into a Word document for you to customize and use! These are really basic, so they are easy to change up for wording, or even for colors and lay-out. Printable Wine Labels 2013

Santa Wine Label

Happy holidays, y’all!

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