This is Thanksgiving, so glue friendly or I’ll take your glue away and then no one will have any glue to glue with.
– Homer Simpson
Thanksgiving in my family means pecan pie — pronounced peh-CAHN, as nature intended. A “pee can” is something you keep under the bed! The Kev loves the way I say “pecan” — it can’t be easily replicated by the English tongue. I love the way he says…well, everything, really, but “premier” and “tarpaulin” off the top of my head.
The Kev and I have many things to be thankful for — among them, you, gentle readers. In gratitude, I’d like to share with you my grandmother’s pecan pie recipe (US and UK metric versions). I’m not biased at all when I say it is easily the best pecan pie recipe in the whole wide world!
Pecan Pie (US)
Unbaked 9″ pie crust (your recipe or purchased)
1½ C pecan halves
½ C granulated sugar
1 C light corn syrup
¼ C evaporated or whole milk
3 eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1 T flour
Pinch salt
¼ C melted butter
Line a deep pie tin with the crust; do not ventilate it. Roughly chop about 2/3 of the pecans, leaving quite a few intact halves. Place all the pecans in the bottom of the pie crust. Combine the beaten eggs with the sugar and syrup, then add all remaining ingredients, adding the melted butter last. Mix until uniform, then pour over the pecans. Bake at 350F for 50-60 minutes.
Pecan Pie (UK)
Unbaked shortcrust pastry (your recipe or purchased)
186 g pecan halves
113 g granulated sugar
236 ml golden syrup
60 ml evaporated or unskimmed milk
3 eggs, beaten
10 ml (2 teaspoons) vanilla
11 g (3 teaspoons) flour
Pinch salt
56 g melted butter
Line a deep tart tin with the pastry; do not ventilate it. Roughly chop about 2/3 of the pecans, leaving quite a few intact halves. Place all the pecans in the bottom of the pie crust. Combine the beaten eggs with the sugar and golden syrup, then add all remaining ingredients, adding the melted butter last. Mix until uniform, then pour over the pecans. Bake at 175C for 50-60 minutes.
Happy Thanksgiving!