Until this moment, I never knew why God put me on this earth, but now I know: to buy that comic book.
– Bart Simpson
Neither of us are given to impulse purchases, but every once in a while, I chance upon something I cannot resist. I recently went all weak in the knees over a pair of limited edition prints on Etsy.
If you are now swooning, get in touch — we are already friends and just haven’t met. And then go order these from Patrick at Concepcion Studios, because “limited edition” means they are limited!
If you don’t instantly swoon, allow me to explain: these are silhouette versions of Princess Leia and Han Solo, and the captions refer to one of their most dramatic (on-screen) moments:
These prints work for me on so many levels. Everything else aside, they are simply beautifully executed and graphically appealing. And the use of Star Wars images in this sophisticated fashion makes me smile in an “inside joke” way. They’re not in-your-face geekdom — we own no action figures whatsoever, so I appreciate their subtlety. And I like this reference to a romantic cinematic moment for our bedroom.
But also: STAR WARS!!!
Kev loves them too. The geek is strong in this one! (Takes one to know one.)
I should add, Star Wars is far from the only thing Concepcion does — check out his other selections of “Retro Progressive” work. I really love his stuff. (By the way, this is not at all a sponsored post.)
We intend to hang these over the bed, but since they are 5×7 prints, I needed to upsize them a bit so they didn’t get lost on the wall. This picture from Etsy gives a better idea of their scale:
I picked up some 16×20 gallery frames with double mats. I like the simple frames and the big mat size for these; the contrast of the silhouettes can hold its own against all that mat.
They obviously aren’t hung yet (we’re still yanking furniture and ladders around in there as we enter the final throes of this project), but I can’t wait.
So how about y’all? Found anything irresistible lately, geek chic or otherwise?